Becoming a Freemason at Eccleshall Lodge
Interested in becoming a Freemason? Eccleshall Lodge No. 5389 welcomes all men of good character who seek personal growth and community involvement. Learn about our joining process and how you can become part of our esteemed brotherhood.
The Essential Qualification for Membership
The essential qualification for admission into Freemasonry, and continuing membership, is a belief in a Supreme Being. Membership is open to men of any race or religion who can fulfil this essential qualification and are of good repute.
From its earliest days, Freemasonry has been concerned with the care of orphans, the sick and the aged. This work continues today. In addition, large sums are given to national and local charities.
The Three Great Principles
For many years, Freemasons have followed the three Grand Principles, and believe that these principles represent a way of achieving higher standards in life:
Brotherly Love
Every true Freemason will show tolerance and respect for the opinions of others and behave with kindness and understanding to his fellow creatures.
Freemasons are taught to practice charity, and to care, not only for their own, but also for the community as a whole, both by charitable giving, and by voluntary efforts and works as individuals.
Freemasons strive for truth, requiring high moral standards and aiming to achieve them in their own lives.
What Sort Of Men Become Freemasons?
Freemasons believe that a man has a responsibility to act with honour in everything that he does.
Freemasons believe in a Supreme Being.
Freemasons allow others the same right to their beliefs that they expect themselves.
Freemasons have a responsibility to leave the world a better place than they found it.
Freemasons believe not only that it is not only more blessed to give than to receive, but that it is also more fun.
Freemasons help their Brothers when they need it, and are willing to accept their help when they need it themselves.
Freemasons believe that there is more to life than financial success.
Freemasons strive to be good citizens, with a moral duty to be true to the country in which they live?.
Freemasons show compassion to others, believing that goodness of heart is among the most important of human values.
Freemasons strive to live a brotherly life.
If these ideals strike a chord with you, you would find like-minded brothers in a Lodge. Freemasons are men like you.
Some guidance
The members of Eccleshall Lodge are always ready to welcome new members or visitors. They have committed themselves to enjoying their membership and the opportunities it brings for fellowship with their brethren and their families.
This requires time, but it should never be allowed to come between Freemasons and their families and friends.
To get the most out of Freemasonry with the Chartley Lodge, its members manage, as much as they can, to do the following:
Attend our regular Meetings, which are held eight times each year, on the first Friday in every month from September to April.
Dine with the Brethren after each meeting.
Attend the Lodge of Instruction – an opportunity to practice the work done in Lodge, and to meet other members on a relatively informal basis.
Join our regular giving to charity, often gift aided.
Meet brethren from other Lodges, and invite them as visitors to the meetings of our Lodge.
There are also costs, but it is most important that Freemasons believe that a man should be able to afford membership without embarrassment to his family responsibilities. These costs include a joining fee and yearly subscriptions.
To enquire about joining Freemasonry here at Eccleshall Lodge please contact the Provincial Membership Officer, W Bro Ralph Ritchey at membership@staffordshirefreemasons.org.uk or complete our contact form.